

β is currently in beta stage.

SENTANA is designed based on just a handful design principles.

  • Make it easy to build an RTR study.
  • Make it as flexible as possible given the constraints of the medium.
  • Make it easy to collect and export data.
  • Streamline the interface.

Flexibility is achieved in two ways:

Study Building Blocks

To make it easy to build an RTR study, the application offers four types of building blocks that can be mixed in any way to create a study that fits your needs:

  • Page segments, used for simple content, such as a welcome or thank you page.
  • Video and Audio segments, used to collect real-time-response to video or audio content.
  • Survey segments, used to collect data about your study participants.


Some of the resources you can use to build your study are managed separately from the study itself.

  • Media resources, used to store the video or audio content you want to use in your study.
  • Surveys resources, used to store the questions you want to ask your study participants.

This organization allows the reuse of resources across studies. For example, you can use the same video in multiple studies, or the same survey in multiple segments of the same study.